From Saturday late night through Sunday afternoon, a dramatic storm delightfully dumped about two feet of snow on our town, bringing life to a winter wonderland standstill. The local television station announced church closures. Even the 'community mega-church' canceled ('They have no concept of the Lord's Day', Fr. C muttered)! Well, WE don't cancel...WE just can't come, was his profound proclamation.
So we proceeded to experience some elements of an 'ordinary Sunday' -- the norm for most in this country, but a never for us. In between snapping pictures of various stages of 'white' development, the dona de casa would make omelets. As I opened the carton of eggs purchased the prior afternoon at a Chicago Trader Joe's, the declaration on the inside jumped out at me: This is the day that the Lord hath made; let us rejoice and be glad in it!
And, so we did. Frosted with magical grace, even the chores of the day (OK...I didn't do much shoveling...) had a lightness about them.
still not going to church...and there's more to come...
Wait -- isn't that blob on the far right our Christmas Tree????
5 comments: 1962, in January, it snowed about 6 inches,where I lived, out in the country near FRESNO....[I was in the 8th grade] EVERYTHING stopped for about a one there was ready or even close to prepared for the snow...[it hasn't snowed since...]...I have a picture of my black & white Aussie Shepherd, leaping and snapping at snow flakes as they fell...I also have pictures [1973] in Evanston, IL, of "Fang"[a Bixby look-a-like] discovering snow,doing the cat version of the "Hokey Pokey" Chicagoland,we once had 24" in 24 hours, starting during the afternoon rush hour...on May 8 ....I had just gotten a "ticket" for still having studded snow tires on my car, and got the last laugh, because I could still get around...
Friday, January 27, 1967 saw the first time ever that Michigan State University was closed because of snow - over 24" overnight. I was a freshman that year and somehow the guys on our floor were able to shovel out a friend's car and rescue the trunkful of alcoholic beverages it held. We needed these to sustain ourselves during a 2-mile trek to the liquor store to pick up a keg to celebrate the unexpected three-day weekend with which we had been blessed. To get the keg back to the dorm, we "modified" a large cafeteria tray to act as a sled. Football was played behind the dorm with the 6-foot drifts as end zones. The game ended when a male player disappeared with an opposing female ball-carrier into the end zone for a presumed safety; neither player nor the ball reappeared. Part of the afternoon was spent doing swan dives off of the library roof into the drifts below. Food was passed into the dorms "bucket brigade" style from one of the only open roads in the immediate vicinity. All-in-all a glorious day!
Welcome to the midwest...
Aye, Paddy O'Spohn! Where were ya when we needed ya?
(Hmmm...I might be getting th'irish and me pirate confused there...)
Like you don't have an ample supply of sake and low-carb beer (a contradiction in terms?)...
...and don't try to tell me there was a bottle of tequila under your dusting of snow.
Wow. We only got about 3 inches with this one. I would love to be snow-bound for at least a day, but I was glad this one was lighter than expected here. I had a concert over the weekend and really didn't want it to be canceled.
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