Friday, December 21, 2007

O Antiphons, part six...

December 21: O Oriens...

O Splendor lucis aeternae,
veni, et illumina sedentes
in tenebris, et umbra mortis.

Splendor of light eternal
and sun of righteousness:
Come and enlighten those who dwell in darkness
and the shadow of death.

O Oriens (Paradiso XXX:61)

First light and then first lines along the east
To touch and brush a sheen of light on water
As though behind the sky itself they traced
The shift and shimmer of another river,
Flowing unbidden from its hidden source;
The Day-Spring, the eternal Prima Vera.
Blake saw it too. Dante and Beatrice
Are bathing in it now, away upstream...
So every trace of light begins a grace
In me, a beckoning. The smallest gleam
Is somehow a beginning and a calling;
"Sleeper awake, the darkness was a dream
For you will see the Dayspring at your waking,
Beyond your long last line the dawn is breaking."

-- Malcolm Guite

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