Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Malcolm Guite...

I feel a bit as if I am on holy ground. This, this angelic step happened a few days ago in a way that often repeats in blessing: a serendipitous stroke of computer keyboard keys and - voila! - something new and profound enters through a light-filled door.

So it is with Malcolm Guite: an incredible poet and musician, theologian and teacher, person and angel.

I've enjoyed perusing his site and 'meeting' him. And, I believe, there's always going to be more, with him.

It seems he is writing a third book of poetry which may center around the O Antiphons. For now, I am enjoying his incredible, soul-encouraging sonnets on each of them.

1 comment:

catsinger said...

thank you for the inspiring and artful link...on a somewhat more Plebian plane, there are Catmas carols 10 & 11...when you have recharged your "spiritual batteries" and want "junk food"...hee,hee