Saturday, May 26, 2007

a meme: six weird things about me

Fr. C. would like to contribute to this.
He's sure he can think of more than six.
I constantly assure him - I am
quite normal.

I think I first saw this meme on Anglicamp.

1. I talk to myself...but only when someone else is in the vicinity. I've decided that's an expression of joy in 'not being alone inside myself'. Either that, or it's just plain weird.

2. I'm hopelessly affected by how things look and feel. I'm surprised I touch a computer at all, and often print out a doc at work so that I can easily read/edit it in that form first. And, I don't care how GREAT a book is -- if the cover design doesn't appeal to me and the paper doesn't feel velvety in my hands any the typeset isn't enticingly 'invisible' to my discomfort meter...I'll find it hard to read it. The latest book that IS great: Suite Francais, which I picked up in an airport bookstore before flying to visit Warsaw Indiana and thought surely nothing good can come from an airport bookstore and was delightfully proved wrong even before I saw the full page ad in the New York Times Sunday book section I picked up off a seat in a concourse before boarding to come home. Whew.

3. I perseverate. Mostly on things 'ultimate'. When I find my favorite track on a CD, I listen to nothing else but that. I have ONE thing I wear that feels 'ultimately me' (I'm sure everyone knows what that is.). If I were to find something else a smidgen better, I might not wear the current fave at having slipped to second place, which is the same as oblivion.

4. I look at people's mouths while talking with (i.e., listening to...) them. It's always been that way with me, so I haven't wondered about it much...except to sometimes ponder if it's what other people do. But add that to...not being able to enjoy a choral concert without the text in front of me...not being able to make out lyrics on CD's without the liner notes... Lately, I've come to a possibly accurate understanding of this, which is that - despite not having a hearing loss - there may be something in my brain wiring that needs a connection with the visual to process the data. Scary. But not so much, at my 'advanced' age.

5. Occasionally, well, rather rarely, writing comes frighteningly easy. When I go back and read it, I'm amazed at serendipity and am not sure where images and latent artistic connections came from and it seems beyond me -- like it has a life of its own. Then, in the case of...say...a blog entry...I live in the internal shadow of that and can't put a single sentence together coherently for a while and feel blocked and depressed and...oh, Fr. C. now declares, You need therapy. *teasing* (I tried to create this as a new 'html tag", but it wouldn't let me. Asterisks, it is.)

6. I eat parsley. Lots of it, if I remember to do so. People find that weird. But actually it isn't. It is a great female hormone balancer. That, and a few other things which I won't blog about now.

6.5. I can't stop editing my blogs.


Anonymous said...

Brenda you are Beautiful!!

Miz Minka said...

Yes, beautiful, not weird!

MelusinaArtBlog said...

Actually, it's just part of you being a sensual/textilian sort of person. You want to engage as many senses at once as possible to fully reap an experience. Read more Diane Ackerman.

I don't like parsley and the last time I tried an organic solution to estrogen I got another visit from the red crone whom I hadn't seen in 4 months. Forget that. I'm going with flumoxitine all the way, sometimes with a dash of lorazepam. Or a martini with lots of almond stuffed olives.

I find books extremely sensual as well. In fact I scavenge publisher's packing paper if it has the right crunch. I can't read acid burned pages unless they are so previously well read and handled that they have acquired another feeling entirely.

And fabrics! Uh, oh. I'm going to Greenbaums....

Mousie and Christy's Mommy said...

Dearest already most certainly are beautiful. Glad you didn't let Fr. C participate in this entry. He would have had it ever so wrong! What a joy you are!!

The Introvert said...

Professionally speaking, i'm not sure you are the one that needs the therapy ;) (love ya Fr C.)

Also, after reading you entry Jim is running out to the store. He wants to know what kind of and how much parsley he should be feeding me.

DearestDragonfly said...

Melusina, I fear I prefer to leave out any and all left-brain (do I have any left???) influence in my engagements. I suppose there should be some.

Ah...lorazepam: Allowed me to say "Oh, look that those cute 6th graders lining up for music class!" when I was teaching in Wisconsin. Parsley is only a 'balancer'. Therein lies the rub: The body has to do its own part also.

Publisher's packing paper. Gosh I love you. I recently received a gift from Japan. I haven't eaten many of the rice confections(saving them for company...), but the exquisite, multi-layered wrapping paper is tucked away.

Genuflect at the doorway of Greenbaums for me. Enduring memories of me tracking you and everything you thought beautiful...

DearestDragonfly said...

M's Mommy: Fr. C. probably should watch his playful comments as I'm writing a blog. They just get 'published' with whatever bit of attitude I want to attach...!!!

DearestDragonfly said...

Oh, Jim is looking for the safe way out here. Asking for instructions...amounts...directions. Men: Just accept it! You'll never get it right!!!

When in doubt, just go to the 'Green & Blacks' organic chocolate section of your favorite grocer (Podestos, Raleys) and pick up something there for the Little Woman.

Seriously, parsley is great. Especially when combined with Green &...

Anonymous said...

The Carioca so hopes that he is never in "second place" in the Dragongly's preferences--now that he knows that equals oblivion!

Scout said...

And, parsley is an antedote for bad breath. I just assumed everyone talked to themselves.

MelusinaArtBlog said...

Greenbaums was fabulous. Went for one thing and a fondle, came away with 7! Needed parts for an Art doll. As always, the place was to die for. We have Fibers in Motion here, quite tasty as well.

Note to Fr. C: Went to church this morning, Fr. A had a mild fit before Eucharist and had to leave the premises, something about Rite III and no present Bishop.

DearestDragonfly said...

Fr.C knowzzz I have the power to 'flush' his comment. But I won't.
BTW, oblivion only applies to inanimates. But, really, like you, I exaggerate slightly to make a point.

Yes, Robyn!!! I 'discovered' parsley when I wanted fresher breath. Then connected it to better health, confirmed by an internet article (hmmm...wasn't my own experience enough? I guess not...).

'Melusina: she shall have adventures wherever she goes'...especially Greenbaums.
Oh, we shall have to get a professional dissection of Fr. A's comment. But that might spoil the beauty of it.

Anonymous said...

Love the way you use the word 'sensual' (that often).
I love that word, one of my favourite English words (and that might just be one of my weird things ;-) ).