Thursday, April 10, 2008

another wonder of nature...

Be sure to watch this to the very end! The artist's final, detailing stroke blew me away.

I would make a case for something more than a 'self-portrait', as this is billed on YouTube, but perhaps something deeper and more far-reaching: a sense of identity and recognition of tribe (though a group of elephants is poetically referred to as a 'memory' of such. Love it!). The elephant knows he's an elephant, is primarily interested in elephants. Don't humans paint mostly other humans? So he chooses to paint an elephant as a true reflection of what is essentially known to him.

Notice, he didn't paint a lion. But might yet do that if an elephant was holding one...??? (joke)


Daniel Martins said...

Uh...pretty cute, but I'm not convinced. There are too many ways something like this could be faked. Heck, *I* can't even draw that well, and I'm the father of a serious artist!

DearestDragonfly said...

As I recall...while very young, that serious artist tried to teach you to draw and gave up on you!

Name The Ways, BG. Or just give in to your inner child's willing suspension of disbelief.

Would some 'skipping' help?

Anonymous said...

Awesome! My inner child is happily astonished!

Remember, one of God's names is Surprise!

Thanks for posting this! :D

unklephil said...

...and P.T. Barnum said there's one born every minute. I'm with Dan on this one!