Somewhere, I lost a standing time to rehearse with Don B's wife, who is preparing, studying, singing 20th century cabaret songs for her doctoral dissertation. Did you know Stravinsky, Satie and Britten wrote such?
If you have time, click on the simply gorgeous dessert above, and you'll be transported to heavenly bliss in the form of a recipe on Raspberry Eggplant's blog. If you make sure to send me a piece.
I recognize that dessert! ;)
I have an extra in my fridge - I wish I could share it with you this Valentine's Day!
Oh...I will make sure Danielle sees this...she is our dessert maker!
Happy Valentines Day!
...alas...chocolate is not the lure for me... I'm singing "Wind Beneath My Wings" and "My Heart Will Go On" at a funeral tomorrow...MY "chocolate" would be having you to play the piano for me... ; )
Roopa, this is one of the most artistic, elegant, and over the top chocolate creations I've ever laid eyes on. Bless you for making the world a better place through dark chocolate excursions.
Hey -- why don't we invite all the people who don't get along over for love and death by chocolate? I'll provide the sake. And by the end of the night...voila: World Peace.
sp, let me know how it turns out! I can't believe either of your precious daughters are actually grown up enough to be doing sophisticated baking...or going off to college.
They've grown up so beautifully. Miss you all!
Catsinger, would that I could!!!
Thankful for the times we collaborated so well...and wishing I had grabbed more opportunities while riding the merry-go-round.
Blessings on you in tomorrow's offerings.
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