Wednesday, February 6, 2008

cowboy skipping short film: followup...

Blogless T has proposed a contest: "And the moral of the short film (skipping, part two) is..."

His entry: "Tis better to have skipped and died, than to not have skipped at all..."

And from Unkle Phil's comment, how 'bout: "The secret to getting that 'height' in their beans first!"

I'll throw in there, "Better to die with no inner child regrets than to live having slain it."

Any others?


catsinger said... about ...
"it doesn't matter how you feel about your "lifestyle"'s how other people react to your bliss that will kill you"... [aka "Skipback Mountain"]

also..did you know that Blogless T is also known around here as "BLT" ?

DearestDragonfly said...

Brava, Catsinger!

Oh, I'll have to check in with 'The Sandwich'.

catsinger said...

...does that mean that he is "toast" ?

unklephil said...

Only if he skips...