Monday, April 9, 2007

rant: less suing & blaming...more grieving & apologizing

Subtitle: I guess this could coming under 'Monday: Misanthropic'

We're a punishing and blaming species. I get really tired of reading news that screams this. The latest, though perhaps not best, example is the cruise ship disaster in Greece.

Hello. Life is dangerous. One should not expect to be 100% safe on a gigantic ship, coming into a harbor with reefs. Nor should one think that by blame, litigation, embarrassment, or prison sentence human beings can be persuaded to never make a mistake.

I've not read the book. But from hearing about it, the essence of 'Plato, not Prozac'* seems to speak to this. Hello. Are we listening? It wasn't the weather that ruined our vacation -- it was our expectation that weather wouldn't be capricious, i.e., could be under our control. Flying through space in a ship is, in fact, is dangerous. So is driving in a car, with/without cellphone, radio, and distracting passengers...or flossing one's teeth, reaching for coffee, and daydreaming

Life hurts. And when it does, it's human nature to get angry and get even. True grieving hurts. Hurts bad. Apologizing hurts -- maybe more than excuses and blame. Perhaps both lay softer ground for nurturing healing.

*Disclaimer: I'm pretty sure I only heard an interview with the author on NPR a while back...


unklephil said...

Sometimes we all forget that many mishaps are referred to as accidents precisely because they were unintended; no one is at fault, no matter how terrible the outcome.

Miz Minka said...

Amen, brother!!!