Of particular and dear significance to his mother is his 'cutting edge' work on Caravaggio's Supper at Emmaus*.
*Remembering that, in the spring of 2005, I created a particular 'winged blog' for the unfulfilled purpose of an England 'travelogue'...one of the crowning moments of profundity on that trip being the Caravaggio exhibit at the National Gallery in London, where a hand reached out to me from that very painting...mirroring my own hand reaching into the sacred space of the whispering gallery at St. Paul's Cathedral as the pipe organ raised the roof, just a few hours prior. Oh, so very grateful...and...you really just had to be there...
I do see that Blogspot gives me 'credit' in years for having started Winged Musings then...even though it laid empty and dormant for two years, until this past spring...
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