Thursday, November 1, 2007

guest essay: practice makes perfect prayer...

In an essay on the Covenant blog, guest writer, mother, and violinist Mari Carlson invites us into her busy life and at the same time illuminates the practice of prayer.

"My violin pulls me into prayer. The violin and bow hold my hands and lead me on a journey."

Read it all, each and every wonderful word, here.

Thanks, Fr. C.


Mousie and Christy's Mommy said...

Yes, DD, I thanked Fr. C also. Her words truly touched my heart...and I am certainly not a musician of any kind but I compared my time at the sewing machine in my quilt room to her words about about practicing. Miss you oodles! *SIGH*

catsinger said...

...when I have sung Taize[for one...] and the words and music just come to ,and go out through me, I know that it is the Spirit filling me{praise] makes sense that prayer must be practiced , and perfected as I practiced the trumpet, lo, those many years...I do know that all those years of "practice" on the trumpet led me to the "loosing" of myself in singing I suppose prayer will always lead to losing oneself in the Spirit[ praise...]