Books of any sort are usually associated with a trip. I bought this particular one in the San Francisco airport, on our way to Brazil in late July. I didn't know at that point that we would be delayed - or, actually, our plane would be delayed coming into SFO (fog), arbitrarily chosen by air traffic controllers to stay in a holding pattern, while others would arrive afterwards to pick up their travelers on time. We eventually made it to LAX - but were 10 minutes past the LAN cutoff for boarding in the international part of the airport metropolis and turned away. After a surreal afternoon at the United desk, we had dinner at Denny's, spent the night at a Travelodge, and made it back in for an Continental flight to Sao Paulo, via Houston...lots of time for Sudoku-doing during the flight, especially at night when I could not sleep. (Fr C's oh so very complete travelogue here.)
I also brought along Harry Potter 1. Had started it when first purchased a year or two ago, but was distracted by the norm of an insanely busy life. I finished it on the way to Brazil, occasionally reading charming passages to Fr. C. Upon our departure back to the U.S., I was positive I could find HP2 at the Sao Paulo airport bookstore. NOT! A huge international airport, I expected a more 'cosmopolitan' array of books. Ended up buying a cheap romance novel from their minuscule English section, at an astronomical price, so I wouldn't be bored during the 24 hours of travel or so. Then -- on our one hour layover in Lima - voila!!! HP2 in English!
Distracted by the most excellent accommodations, food, movies on demand on LAN, and as always alternating reading with Sudoku, I did not get far into the book. Brought it along on the drive out to Warsaw, but didn't get much reading done (I wonder why???). Now, that book, along with some other car treasures (my Patricia Barber 'Verse' CD), are 'missing' -- safe, I suppose. Just hidden from myself.

Happening upon his chapter entitled "Master Classes" yesterday morning, describing such an event with Peter Feuchtwanger, I suddenly felt the joy of my own unique musical skin around me...synchronicity in the universe...renewed passion for the 'ease of playing' that is my mantra, endlessly played and varied for students, lesson after lesson. 'Elliptical, relaxed movements...fluidity...'. Yes!! I tried out his concept of 'Natural movement - both freeing and riskier' with a 13 year old wunderkind this afternoon. Tomorrow night, the 15 year old boy whose rigid strength endangers my piano parts. Oh, the joy of oneness with the keys. Better to feel them as flesh than to play with wooden fingers.
There is something addicting about Sudoku, isn't there. I like that you don't have to add.
Left over from my last trip is a David Sedaris book that I would love to finish. Thank you for the reminder.
glad to hear you can embrace the "r"[relax...] word... I know that you are interested in books that take you into them...one of my favorite authors is M.F.K.Fischer
[With Bold Knife and Fork,To Cook a Wolf] she, like Julia Child, was an "interesting" soul who lived abroad [France,pre WW II] and wrote about food and life[she knew Alice B. Toklis,et al] , in a way that transports one and,for me, unleashed my creativity in the kitchen
Julia Childs,"My Life in France" was also very good and made me cry with the sweetness of it's farewells at the end[it was finished posthuminously]...both these authors can transport you to another time and place with such grace, you can taste and smell...
DD...because of your addiction to Sudoku and your willingness to teach me how to do it I, too, am quite addicted! I even have a book of puzzles at work that I pull out during a dull moment!
As for "real" books may I suggest a fascinating book that I am quite caught up in at the moment called "Love in the Time of Cholera" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. He also wrote "One Hundred Years of Solitude" and several others which I have not had a chance to devour yet..but will do so in the near future!
Love and hugs...
Scout, I like that it is really only about logic (as with Mastermind), but must remind myself to not speed-think and make stupid mistakes with the necessary numbers. -Tammy (what I wished I had been called when I was young. The 'Tammy' movies were popular then)
Catsinger, thank you for listing your favorites. I want to re-join the serious readers club that my friends belong to. When young, I used to voluntarily read a lengthy (understatement!) Dostoevsky novel during summer lulls...
MM - you'll hate me for Sudoku lessons. Watch out! I also enjoy GGM and with Love in the Time of Cholera coming out as a movie, I will definitely re-read. One Hundred Years of Solitude is in our 'library' - a gift to Fr C from moi.
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