Tuesday, September 4, 2007

something inane...why not? it's a holiday...

Your Heart Is Purple

For you, love is about establishing and developing a deep connection.
If it's true love, it brings you more wisdom and inner strength.

Your flirting style: Sincere

Your lucky first date: An afternoon at a tea house

Your dream lover: Is both thoughtful and expressive

What you bring to relationships: Understanding


A Square Peg said...

DD that was fun! I am Pink!

In relationships, you like to play innocent - even though you aren't.
Each time you fall in love, it's like falling for the first time.

Your flirting style: Coy

Your lucky first date: Picnic in the park

Your dream lover: Is both caring and dominant

What you bring to relationships: Romance

unklephil said...

Aye, black as coal me 'art is.

Relationships? Those be fer others of little spine and no sense of adventure.

Each time I falls in lust, 'tis fer the night only. Me flirting style be forceful and blunt.

Me lucky first date: Nothing be lucky about it. Lootin' and pillagin' - and other such merriments!

Me dream lover? Disposable!

A Square Peg said...

Oh Unkle Phil...I find that hard to believe!!

DearestDragonfly said...

Felipe, is that that really U talking...or is it the evil Kitty getting your tongue?

(Disclaimer: trash-talking H.K. is not my usual mode of slapping sense into someone)

You could really take the test...but that would show some vulnerability,now wouldn't it.

DearestDragonfly said...

Pink Peg! I can really see your wonderful self in these results. Awesome!

At least someone actually took the test...

unklephil said...

Slapping sense into me? Oh, please, please!

catsinger said...

DD...nice to connect...my heart is pink(not my favorite color...)though the "test" did not offer enough choices for my complicated,ever-morphing self...I liked the picts of Lucy and Bixby's new digs...I hope the lemon tree got there OK...

Mousie and Christy's Mommy said...

You're a passionate lover - you always have a huge fire in your heart.
Too bad it's hard for you to be passionate about just one person!
My color heart was red! I'm not so sure the following describes me...but I could hope it would!
Thanks for the fun (and thanks to Miz Minka too!)

Your flirting style: Outgoing and sexy

Your lucky first date: Drinks and dancing

Your dream lover: Is both stable and intense

What you bring to relationships: Honesty

Anonymous said...

Came out orange. Didn't like it.

DearestDragonfly said...

Felipe -- go to your room!

Catsinger, those tests never seem to capture anything unique or deep. If fact, if you & Anonymous took it over again, choosing the same answers as before, it might give you your favorite color, along with a new descrip. There's a whole new, pathetic genre of online personality tests that could use some intelligence. Want to try your hand at it?

Now, mousie's mom -- this sounds exactly like you! It's a keeper!