Thursday, September 13, 2007

the dreaded '3'...

We had some strong and over-the-top exciting "wanting to buy" kind of interest in the house last weekend. There has been a steady stream of lookers at the Open Houses...some who used to live in it or used to play with people who used to live in it...some who are curious...and lots of people who wish they could buy, but must sell their own house first and not much is selling (San Joaquin County is top in the nation in foreclosures, though we did hear an interview with a Stockton realtor on NPR last week who says banks are working with people to help them keep their homes. There are too many foreclosures and the banks can't sell them either.). The house is intrinsically magical and has phenomenal magnetism -- and not just the kind that attracts people like me who see possibilities and don't mind imperfections and enjoy working on a house. It deserves special, loving owners. This couple was perfect: They loved it and were amazed at the affordable price. They had money to put into it (some important 'This Old House' projects remain). It was the husband's first choice. They spent an hour in it, returned the next day, and on the following day bought the house across the street. That one's pristine condition was irresistible. For me, compared to our house that one is boring...nothing beckons with interesting, personalizing projects. There's barely any yard at all. (Yup. It's Fr. C's dream house!)

But, we're happy for our former neighbors who are now living in Georgia. It's been way over a year since they put it on the market, and in that time they've put tens of thousands of dollars into it improving it. It sold for $100K less than the original price. And, they're paying $12K of the closing costs.

Our realtor is fabulous. Has lived in the 'historic district' for most of her life. Is always upbeat, encouraging and on top of things. She was disappointed about losing the sale...even though she has the listing on the house across the street. She went into a slight 'over-reactive' mode: Let's paint the interior (Probably thinking 'boring neutrals' -- 'neutering' ones, I call them -- which our friends had used)!! Nope. Can't afford that. "It will only cost $600-800 to 'stage' the house!!!" Ditto. We compromised on one project: repainting the Peony Pink dining room. That hurts. I cried. But, without my mother's Monet-like paintings...and the old rose and gold floral print couch...well, in the buff it looks like Pepto Bismal, she said.

We had lowered the price to to entice the lookers last weekend. Yesterday she called. For this Saturday's real estate section open house ad, she wants to lower it again. It still begins with a '4'. I ask -- what price will she want to put on it in a month if it hadn't sold by then? This one begins with a '3'. We knew that was coming. And we knew we would support it. And we know it's for the best. It might be that we were also in an over reactive mode. It might be that we were too impatient - it's been on the market for less than two months. But we said yes. was an emotional day.

I fear we have devalued the house by doing that. And, devalued the many other houses for sale in the Magnolia district and every other district in Stockton. That's how a bottoming out market works. Two years ago, when we were needing to put a new roof on it, the house appraised at $500K. Great. But, perhaps, not really...

When we returned from visiting family in Brazil in August and exited the house three days later, I saw our realtor's information sheets on the kitchen counter. One was from a lender, showing creative ways for a buyer to afford its original list price. I gulped. Our mortgage is oppressive enough for us. I would like for my children -- and everyone's children -- to be able to afford to buy a house someday, and not have to take out one of those ridiculous should-be-illegal mortgages or spend half their income on it. Things must change.

Come Holy Spirit and comfort and inspire the souls of those yearning for shelter, stability...for a house to care for and a home to delight in.



Mousie and Christy's Mommy said...

DD, patience is SO hard when we want and truly NEED something to happen. The house will is just waiting for the most special new owners to come by who will love and cherish it like its previous owners! I will continue to pray that those special new owners are found sooner than later!
Love and hugs,

P.S. I removed my previous post because I had my fingers on the wrong keys and didn't proofread and therefore most of it was in a foreign language!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Brenda,

I understand your feelings as you wish for someone to love your home in Stockton as you loved it and cherished its unique personality. My mother's cherished little home hasn't sold yet either and I echo your eloquent prayers for the next owner(s) there.

I also hear you about home costs and our hopes for our nation's children as they grow up and want homes for themselves and their families. Something does have to give. May the voters of America go to the polls on election days and give loud voice to that hope.

Meanwhile, as I'm told the Arab world says, "Shrea, shrea". That means one thing at a time: one day, one hour, one test, one whatever. It's one of the keys to life. Shrea, shrea.

Wishing you (and me) the buyer of your highest, best dreams - and soon!

Hugs - Barb :D

catsinger said...

DD...I have just "wandered through the Valley of Death"[re-finance...] little house appraised at 350 18 mos ago,now appraised at 270...I could redo the 1st[and get away from the adj.] but the 2nd had to be sub.[returned to a 2nd..] by the org. lender... I had a great banker at Wells Fargo who wrote an all-inclusive cover letter and my house is in one of 3 small neighborhoods in Stockton still considered by appraisers as "stable" and "moving normally"...I just heard yesterday that Chase agreed to the 2nd...but so many people are trapped and loosing everything...I know there will be an eventual upturn... but my heart aches for all those who are caught in this...