Thursday, July 3, 2008

mosaic of moi...

In her 'Midweek Mosaic' post, Miz Minka gives instructions and links for making a photo mosaic. An 'in your own image' sort of art project. Fun!

The photos represent my name, my favorite food, the high school I attended, favorite color, celebrity crush, favorite drink, dream vacation, favorite dessert, what I want to be when I grow up (if ever...), something I love in life, one word to describe me, and my alter-ego name. I don't think I'll offer any detailed Jungian interpretations of mine. But the first photo is a Brenda in a training session with the National Zoo's celebrity, Tai Shan. Nuff said. As well as the capirinha, chocolate and damselfly.


Scout said...

Ah, capirihnas! This is very cool. I'll give it a try.

DearestDragonfly said...

I just bought the last bottle of Cachaca in Warsaw.

You need to come visit so we can go to a FABULOUS restaurant here -- the bartender makes the best Caipirinhas ever.