Friday, March 30, 2007

myers briggs

I was just attempting to add the prayer for my Myers-Briggs* type to my blog header. Darn. Couldn't make it work, artistically...yet... someone will come to my, Felipe? It would be fun to discuss Fr. C's type's prayer, but that's for another time.

I'm probably the only person who's almost flunked Myers-Briggs. I'm sorry, but some questions, in my mind, called for complex answers, i.e., 'none of the above' or 'more than one of the above'. And those choices aren't on the answer sheet. An exasperated Fr. C thought the test should be declared null and void...unless I picked ONE answer per question. Which was difficult to do because I don't like to be pinned down so.

So...I'm sort of an ENFP, unless I'm an INFP. Dragonfly or Damselfly. I shouldn't have to choose. That would be boring.

'Oh, Lord, help me to keep my mind on one thing at a -"O, LOOK AT THE BIRDIE!!!!!"- time.'

* According to the Jung/Myers-Briggs test available on this link, I'm a 'champion idealist'.

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