Sunday, May 11, 2008

mother's day treat...

My Finnish Friend sent this for Mother's Day. If you click on the above nesting hummingbird, a site will come up with photos of her two offspring in their journey from wee eggs to adulthood. I believe these are Allen's hummers.

Clicking on this little photo brings up a wonderful site/sight, with a photo and narrative for each day in the Ruby-throated hummingbird's nest. Astonishing!!!

Such good moms, I might add...


Scout said...

What a great mother's day treat! I was enjoying looking at the photos, but when I got to the last one, I was absolutely amazed.

DearestDragonfly said...

Tiny miracles, aren't they!

If I could find a Bixby-proof feeder and a similarly safe location in the yard, we'd be able to view the local little wonders.