Monday, August 13, 2007


Sheesh. How depressing to see I've written nothing since July 13th. And even more so to see a 'grand' total of two posts for that month. Life has been whirling around me like a cyclone -- dismembering and scattering me into bits and depositing DD dna here there and everywhere.

There has been much, much, much to blog about. But too little time and energy...mostly the latter. Miraculously, a time in my life that should have been an epic can be contained in the space of a short story. Mere weeks. A house and home readied for a buyer's market. A .25 acre yard 100% transformed into a garden. A two-week trip to Brazil - seemingly ill-timed, but a wonderful, rejuvenating gift. We returned 7 days ago, in the evening. Met packers the next. Loaders the following. Hit the road to Warsaw a day later and made it here by 8:300pm today. A week ago we were flying over Peru. We've just arrived at our new home in time to unload the car and map out where the furniture will be placed when the van arrives the next morning. Where has time gone...certainly with the wind.

Precious things need not be measured in the grandeur and expanse of real time elapsed. They are a gift, dropped in our laps like gumdrops from the sky. I sit here: blogging on a laptop in a marvelous house which is our new home, just a heartbeat from the home and friends and life that we embraced for so long. It is all of the same fabric I find and fondle here.

Onward: another layer on this life's canvas is forming.


Anonymous said...

Was thinking these past days a lot about you. Very happy to hear that the 'big chunk' of it all is done. Now the growing into the new can be enjoyed!

DearestDragonfly said...

Marlyse, your presence in this journey is a great gift. Thank you for the thoughtful encouragement! You've walked in these shoes...

Anonymous said...

I can relate to your being too tired to blog, I too am not blogging much any more. I have decided to close my blog down and will be keeping in touch via email.

DearestDragonfly said...

Joe, now I wish I had had the time, know-how to track down your blog. have other things on your mind, of course!